“Hello? Who are you? Where am I?”
“Where’s my human? How did I end up here?
Am I in her dream?”
“I think we are being lowered into the liquid.”
“She wouldn’t have sent me here — I must’ve
gotten lost somehow…”
“The liquid’s seeping in.”
“Hello? Hello? Can you hea-? He-…?”
Sorry, my human didn’t keep me alive.
phones submerged in a water tank
projection on liquid
shown in the OPEN CODES exhibition at ZKM Karlsruhe
in collaboration with Natalie FitzGerald
In a speech addressing young people, Pope Francis highlighted that the overuse of mobile devices, the internet and social media steers people away from concrete relationships. He refers to this as being in a ‘liquid’ state — lacking concreteness and thus, lacking a future.
Destined for an even higher dependence on technology, we experience anxiety when we lose our phone. We are becoming liquid. What if smartphone dependence was actually a human/device co-dependence? Two phones ‘watch’ each other be submerged in water via video-call. The phones glitch out, while we watch and capture the moment of their permanent death..
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